Digital Tactics #5 | Can I Advertise On LINE?

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Hi, my name is Mark, Managing Director of Primal and today’s topic we’re going to be talking about LINE advertising. So LINE actually does have or is a channel to advertise on. And if you’re looking to look for new channels in order to expose your business online, you actually have the opportunity to do so.

So LINE is a relatively new advertising platform. However, it does come with some caveats and these are that it’s new. So the technology to provide you with certain particular metrics perhaps isn’t developed yet.

And we Primal see this channel as particularly experimental currently until it develops further and we see it as being an awareness driving channel. If you’re looking for new channels to drive awareness for your brands you might want to consider looking at LINE.

And you can contact LINE the company and they’re able to send you a rate card. However, you might need to apply as a vendor first.

Thank you.

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