Social Media and its Undeniable Benefits to Businesses

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Thai internet users have been familiar with the concept of social media for quite some time. It really took off around the “Hi5” era, but the majority of Thai people have only recently become seriously engaged with social media thanks to the explosion of Facebook. It is true that many social media platforms were born with the intention to help people connect with their family and loved ones, and even strangers they have never met. So everyone can communicate regardless of where they are. It is truly the definition of borderless communication.

As large numbers of people flock to a platform, an invaluable amount of data flows and it’s only a matter of time before someone tries to make money from it. The rise of social media sprouted a multitude of online shops. As time passed, new platforms continued to grow and huge numbers of internet users around the world started to use these sites on a daily basis. Businesses, regardless of size, were inevitably affected. 

In this article, we will talk about social media platforms today and how they can benefit businesses. 

what is social media

What is Social Media?

Social media directly refers to any digital tool that users can use to communicate, discuss, create and share various content with others. In brief, it is any website that allows you to share, comment, talk, and express your ideas or opinions with other users using the internet as a medium. 


Which Social Media Platforms are Thais Familiar With?

On a global scale, there are thousands of different platforms we can use, however, the social media platforms that Thais are familiar with are primarily Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, YouTube, and Twitter, i.e. the platforms that connect users with their circle of friends and family. However, there are also popular business-specific platforms such as Google My Business and LinkedIn, as well as unique channels such as Pinterest.

As mentioned, social media is used for communication, so it’s no surprise that people started using Facebook and Instagram to build their business model. But what’s surprising is how successful they’ve become. Let’s see how social media can benefit your business.

What are the Key Benefits of Social Media?

In addition to its advantages with regards to communication, social media can also be beneficial in the following areas:



In today’s world it is not difficult to create a brand, but making your brand stand out and be recognised is a challenge. Social media can be very helpful in building your brand persona; from the color palette and graphic design, to the language and content a brand shares with its audience, all of this contributes to the identity of your brand. 

Creating Brand Awareness

Once you start your branding journey, the next big thing is to make people aware of your brand. What are your products and services? How can customers access them? Through the convenience of social media, the information and important details you would like to communicate with your customers can be conveyed more easily than ever before. 


Building Your Customer Base

Once people start to recognise your brand you will start to gain a customer base who want to try the new products and services you have to offer. And if you can impress them, they will become repeat customers. Don’t forget to collect all the data you can from customers because that is the golden information every brand wants.

Customer Communication

Years ago, if a crisis occurred, the company would issue a statement in the newspaper, or on TV, both of which would require a large investment to simply right their wrongs. But today, if there is a misunderstanding or an accident, your social media platforms can be of great benefit.

To conclude, we hope this article answers what social media is and why it has become so influential in the business world. We also hope that you are able to use the information in this article to adapt and further your business, as adaptability and resilience are the key success factors for every business, big or small.

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