6 SEO Hacks To Outrank Your Competitors Right Now

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If you’re not on the first page, you might as well not be on the internet.

With over 66% of clicks going to the first 3 results in the organic search rankings, you need to be there if you want to be capturing that oh-so-sweet search engine traffic.

While you might not be ready to invest in a fully fledged SEO agency to drive and manage your SEO strategy in Thailand. There are some low hanging fruit you can take advantage of to boost your ranking and traffic.

With over 200 ranking factors affecting how Google decides where to show your website, it can seem overwhelming to know where to start.

We’ve listed 6 things you can check right now that will make an impact on your SEO.

These fundamentals might not be sexy – but they are a proven way to outrank your competitors and start doubling your sales.

Get your team on these SEO Growth Hacks:

1. Fix Your SERPS Listing (Right Now)

If you aren’t customising your SERPS (Search Engine Results Page) listing data, you’re leaving money on the table.

What do people do when they’re searching for information?

We scroll, scan, scroll, and if we find what we’re looking for we stop.

Most organic search snippets suck! Google grabs information from your website, sometimes cuts bits off and sometimes it doesn’t make sense.

By not writing your own meta title and description, you’re not making it easy for the user to know exactly what you deliver and click.

See these examples when searching for “Italian Restaurant Bangkok”:


Well crafted SERP’s drive proven clicks. It’s one of the first things a good SEO Agency in Bangkok will check and fix for you.

How To Fix It:

  1. Install a SEO Plugin like Yoast that will allow you to customise your SERP snippets for each page.
  2. Get inspiration from paid search when writing your headlines and descriptions.
  3. Include keyword research (and intent) to really drive action on your listings.

2. Make Your Website Faster

When we’re navigating the web, we’re constantly clicking and leaving links.

If your website takes longer than 4 seconds to load, you’ve probably lost a potential customer. (Check your website speed with Pingdom. https://tools.pingdom.com/ )

We can see for mobile responsive websites how much a difference load time makes to bounce rate:

ImageMobile Bounce Rates vs. Page Load Times by Google

Two things when it comes to increasing speed:

1. Check your website speed
2. Optimise your page load speed

Here are some quick things you can do to increase your website speed:

1. Compress your images using plugins like Smush.It, EWWW.
2. Deactivate any plugins you don’t use. Lots of plugins = big, fat, slow site.
3. Do you run videos, can you reduce their size?

We’re seeing big changes when it comes to optimising page load speed (and thus creating a better overall user experience.)

Companies like Airbnb are putting AMP’s at the core of their strategy. AMP’s are “Accelerated Mobile Pages”, simply put (for non-techies) they’re creating ways of delivering content more efficiently.


  1. Customising the user experience for logged in users vs non logged in
  2. Cache information showing whilst waiting for AMP-enabled pages to load
  3. Creating a different customised user experience for new users to the site

With Airbnb everything came down to creating and delivering a better user experience. You can make some quick steps without all the coding by doing an assessment of how fast your speed currently is and what assets can be reduced to quickly speed it up.

If you don’t have the technical team in place to access and implement page and website speed changes, it could be a good idea to utilise a SEO company and services in Bangkok, Thailand to streamline the process for you.

3. Reduce Your Bounce Rate (With This One Strategy)

Imagine I invite you to a dinner party.

But there’s no drinks, no music… oh and no food, not even any snacks!

How quickly do you think you’re going to want to leave?

When it comes to bounce rate, Google doesn’t like to deliver bad user experiences. If a user clicks onto your website and leaves straight away, they’re going to see that as a strike against the relevancy of your website to the user.

We want to entice users to stay on our site for longer. How can you do that?

Give them something they want. Therefore reducing the bounce rate of your website and waving a big flag at Google saying “Look, we are relevant!”

Agoda does this by putting their offers right in the middle of their home page:


Some quick ways to add value:
1. Give them something they want, an e-book, a resource
2. Offer a Free consultation, if you offered SEO in Bangkok you might offer a Free SEO Audit.
3. Add a tool that’s useful to the user
4. Discount codes

Think of what your audience might want, and give it to them.

4. Make It Mobile Friendly and Responsive

Mobile is skyrocketing as the primary device that users are browsing with.

When it comes to travel bookings, over 67% of users start their search on mobile.

We’re seeing stats like 60+ hours spend per month on mobile, vs a measly 30 or so hours on desktop on average.

Not to mention all the social media use that’s happening on mobile phones.

Without a mobile responsive website, you are hurting your brand and your sales.

In fact look at the difference in conversions you’re losing to competitors if you’re not on mobile:

ImageUser Actions On Mobile, source

Websites that aren’t designed for mobile are providing poor user experience. Visitors are going to click out quick. PLUS, Google is prioritising websites with mobile responsiveness.

Trends show Google will be placing a bigger focus on mobile-friendly websites in 2018. So you can expect to see your website drop in rank if you aren’t providing a mobile experience.

5. Add Unique Content

At the time it might have seemed easier to copy your content from one page to another. It saved time and seems to fit on the page.

However duplicate content is heavily penalised by Google.

You’re doing your website’s SEO a huge disservice by not having unique content across your site. Aside from a full SEO services company, consider a bespoke content strategy service that will allow you add new pages, blog content, video content and more.

How to fix it:

  • Review your website, does each page have uniquely written content?
  • If there isn’t content or duplicate content, add new content now. We suggest 500 words minimum of quality content for best results.
  • Blog pages: Add a blog page with regular relevant content for your audience.
  • Even better, create a long-term content strategy to add content that’s the best for your niche available. Maybe you sell travel suitcases, what do these users want to know?
  • Could you create a series testing the top suitcases in your price range against yours with detailed information and data-driven tests?

6. Put Some UX Best Practices Into Place

UX refers to user experience. While you might not have the specialist skills of a UX designer, there are some things you can ask yourself that can impact your SEO right now.

Three Questions to Ask

  1. Are you giving your users what they want?
  2. Are all the buttons in the right place? (and are you making it easy to contact or buy from you with CTA’s, Call-To-Actions)
  3. Click Test: How many clicks does it take to find the information you want? Can you reduce this to less than 2?

If you simply do these three things, you’re making a big jump in creating a better user experience for visitors and your SEO ranking.

If you’re ready to take your organic SEO to the next level – Contact our digital marketing team by clicking the proposal button below. We can perform a site audit to help you identify opportunities for higher organic rankings = more bookings, sales and leads.

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