Confused about the different types of content marketing? Let us explain everything

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When talking about content marketing, it can be categorised into many different types. Mostly, it’s categorised based on the platform, e.g. a long piece of content posted on a webpage is normally called a ‘Blog’. Of course, content is not only about text; content also includes voice, videos, and photos as well. 

What are the different types of content marketing?

As we have mentioned, there are various types of content marketing. In this article we will talk about the different types of content marketing, all of which are popular and easy to understand and apply to your own business.


Blogs or articles are one of the most popular types of content used in digital marketing. Blogs should be interesting and consist of useful information, providing knowledge, reviews or news updates. A blog is generally longer than other types of content. A good blog should be timeless; this is what the industry refers to as ’Evergreen Content’ – a blog that remains useful even as time passes. This approach also helps improve your website’s SEO.


EDM stands for Electronic Direct Mail. This type of content marketing is executed via email. It is mostly used to announce promotions and share news. This type of content should be short, concise, and include graphics to attract attention. EDMs are usually embedded with a link that’s exclusively for recipients of their emails so that the business can track performance.


Ebooks or Electronic Books are not physically published, instead they are read on electronic platforms such as tablets, mobile phones and computers. The good thing about Ebooks is that they’re more portable, easier to access, cheaper to produce, and quicker to update than physical books. The content can also be as long or short as you want it to be, with no restrictions or minimum lengths.

Social Media Post

Another popular type of content marketing nowadays is social media posts. This form of content marketing varies depending on the platform you choose. These are the 3 most popular platforms in Thailand: 

  1. Facebook: a versatile platform where you can post anything from short messages to long articles. It supports all media, including photos, videos, text and audio. 
  2. Instagram: a photo and video platform. The caption of each post should not be too long, just enough to explain the photo or video, since the platform itself was not designed for users to read long articles. 
  3. Twitter: despite the fact it supports photos, videos, audio and text, the content you upload should be short, concise and easy to understand. Remember that it was designed to produce content similar to news reports. This platform encourages its users to talk about their everyday lives and events as they happen.

ภาพ: Infographic Thailand


As obvious as it might sound, infographics turn information into graphics. This type of content summarises information through design to make it easy to understand. The perk of this type of content marketing is that it doesn’t take long to read or understand. However, it is not always easy to present information in an easy-to-understand, visual way, which is why infographics have to be done by people with specific skills.


Video is a very important type of content marketing for every business. It doesn’t have any fixed rules when it comes to presentation, so the duration, content, and style can all be decided by the business depending on the style they think presents the information best. 


Podcasts are similar to radio programmes, but they don’t have to be aired live. Podcasts are used for telling stories through voice and can be accessed via various platforms, e.g. Soundcloud, Podbean, Apple Podcast. The duration of podcasts should not be too short; 10-30 minutes is considered appropriate for an episode of a podcast. 

You might be wondering where to start with content marketing for your business. We can give you two tips: firstly, start by choosing your most important platform; for example, you could start by launching a website or just using social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram. Then choose the type of content that fits your platforms, as mentioned above. 

Another idea is to choose what you’re good at. You can start by creating the content and then find suitable platforms to publish the content to later. If you like reading or writing, choose blogs or Ebooks, or if you’re more familiar with video or podcasts, then go for those. No matter which route you take, you will soon find the type of content marketing that’s right for your business. 

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