
The client has established a challenging monthly sales target for their website, which Primal is tasked to achieve. A significant hurdle is the introduction of a new product that is not well-known in the market, targeting a relatively small audience. Additionally, the trend observed indicates that most high-value sales predominantly occur in offline stores, complicating the goal of boosting online transactions for these premium products.

Your premier shopping destination for top-tier business essentials


In response, Primal proposed a strategic pivot in the campaign approach after a thorough analysis of user behavior on the client’s website using GA360. Observations from the past year showed that products with an Average Order Value (AOV) between 10,000 to 15,000 tend to sell in larger quantities online. Leveraging this insight, we planned to initiate a test campaign focusing on products within this AOV range, hypothesising that these items would more effectively drive online sales compared to higher-priced offerings.


The execution involved the deployment of the test campaign, which was meticulously designed to highlight products with an AOV lower than 15,000. This strategic shift was aimed at tapping into the proven market preference for mid-range priced items, thereby enhancing the potential for achieving the set sales targets on the website. By adjusting the product focus and aligning the marketing efforts with consumer buying trends observed through GA360, Primal aimed to optimize the sales performance on the digital platform, encouraging a shift in consumer behavior from offline to online purchasing for these selected products.


Improvement in Revenue


Improvement in Conversion


Improvement in ROAS

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