
The client wants to boost revenue from online sales of diet supplements, but faces challenges due to strict advertising restrictions on digital platforms. The lack of promotional activities during key sales periods, like double-digit dates, mid-month, and paydays, adds to the difficulty, making it hard to take advantage of these high-traffic times. A strategic approach is needed to overcome these advertising challenges and effectively drive online sales.

Be Healthy Forever


How Primal implemented a full-funnel marketing strategy was to aim at engaging users at different stages of the buying process. The campaign was structured with objectives for content views, adding items to the cart, and driving purchases. The content view element was designed to target prospecting audiences, lookalikes, and broad segments to maximise reach. Noticing the initial success of the add-to-cart campaigns, we planned a restructure to concentrate more on these conversions. We decided to launch two distinct add-to-cart campaigns: one targeting new prospecting audiences and another tailored to custom audiences from Facebook and Instagram. Additionally, a purchase campaign would retarget users who had interacted with the product catalogue. To address the limitation of ad creatives, we introduced dynamic ads, offering greater flexibility and relevance in ad presentations.


We launched the restructured campaigns with a focus on improved targeting and user engagement at key conversion points. The two add-to-cart campaigns were implemented as planned, using data-driven insights to reach audiences more likely to convert. The purchase campaign concentrated on retargeting users who had shown high levels of engagement by interacting with our dynamic ads, which were optimised monthly to make the most of the single available creative. This strategic approach not only addressed the challenges posed by advertising restrictions but also maximised the effectiveness of each campaign phase, resulting in higher conversion rates and a significant increase in online revenue during non-promotional periods.


Purchase Increase


ROAS Increase


Add to Cart Increase

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