
Between March and June 2024, the CRM Development Company faced a steady decline in lead performance due to seasonal downturns. Clients increasingly demanded higher-quality leads and better performance metrics, making it difficult to launch broad marketing campaigns. This highlighted the need for a more strategic and targeted approach to meet client expectations during challenging market conditions.

Our Customers' Success Is Our Business


To address these challenges, Primal initially introduced Performance Max (Pmax) campaigns during the low season. These campaigns used Google’s automated optimisation across multiple channels to improve results. However, when Pmax failed to deliver the desired outcomes, How Primal identified the limitations of this approach and adjusted strategy was key to overcoming these challenges. We shifted focus exclusively to Search Engine Marketing (SEM) in July 2024, increasing the budget for the best-performing Generic campaign and expanding the ad schedule from weekdays to a seven-day operation to maximise reach and effectiveness.


In July 2024, Primal implemented the revised SEM-focused strategy. How Primal adapted its strategy by focusing on high-performing campaigns and optimising resources proved essential for success. By increasing the budget for high-performing campaigns and extending the ad schedule to cover the full week, we achieved significant improvements. These adjustments demonstrated the importance of factors such as timing and budget allocation in lead generation. The strategy met client demands for high-quality leads and successfully navigated the challenges of the low season.


CONV Increase


CR% Increase


CPL Decrease